Inventory - Recommended one section per year.
Elementary - 1. Easy, 2. Fiction, 3. Non-fiction, 4. Novels, Textbooks and Professional
Secondary - 1. Fiction, 2. Non-Fiction, 3. Novels, 4. Textbooks and Professional
Elementary: Close sign out (not the whole library learning commons) end of the first week of June.
Allow high flyers and other users to still get out books on as-needed basis.
Post return date prominently.
Send out final overdue notices / textbook overdue notices.
Try to make them funny or that there is something memorable about them.
Post up about summer reading programs. Encourage participation
Post up about access to Sora over summer
Make final orders for in-town stores.
Books & Co orders close May 31, 2024.
Work with principal / senior secretary / business manager around any bulk learning resource orders that need doing.
E.g. LesPlan, Classroom Ready, etc.
Send out teacher barcoded item list.
LD teachers should return all items
C teachers staying on can ask to renew items
Prepare Year End report for staff and principal (Optional)
Keep it brief. Make it fun and engaging.
High School Only: Determine what textbooks need rebinds. Create list and PO for bindery.
Locate damaged items and discard.
Move any books that students have declared lost to LOST user for this school year. This will give one year for the books to reappear.
Discharge all books and shelve
Remove all bins and other 'loose' items from floor