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Syndetics Unbound Widgets

Want to jazz up your libguide with books that link to your catalog?

How to login and use

  1. Go to:
  2. Login with the username SCHOOLCODE-TL e.g. PGSS-TL and the password sent to you in an email
  3. Click on display widgets button:
  4. Click on 
  5. Click on 
  6. Enter the ISBNs of items in your catalog.
  7. Once you have some in you'll be able to select how it is displayed.
  8. IMPORTANT: Click  
  9. Find this and add your school code to the end as it appears in the enterprise catalog.
    Format for the code is &lm=DPSL
  10. Add the generated Embed as a Media/Widget on Libguides (it will generate one for you that is different for each widget)
  11. Add the Javascript to the custom JS for the page. You only need to do this once no matter how many widgets the page has.
  12. Pat yourself on the back


Example Widgets

- Links directly to your catalog

- Shows the items in a variety of ways


Example 1:
PGSS BIPOC YA novels - a selection of BIPOC YA novels that PGSS has.

Uses 3D carousel

Example 2:

DP Todd - Sci Fi - Randomized Panels (changes the order every 7 seconds)

Example 3: Duchess Park Graphic Novels

Used Scrolling Panels