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LLC: Effective Practice Guide

Supporting Effective Practice in our Library Learning Commons in SD57

Note: Searching DLC Collection

Note: Use our DLC Bookings catalogue to search for and request to borrow DLC resources. The Enterprise search of the DLC collection a) will not let you order and b) will display everything as available all of the time (which is not true!).

Searching Your Library

1. Go to the DLC portal.

2. Click on the dropdown menu to select your school. They are in alphabetical order. Selecting All Library Collections will search all of the libraries at once. NOTE: The search bar at the top will search the DLC catalog for bookable kits, streaming videos, novels and more.

Note: Use our DLC Bookings catalogue to search for and request to borrow DLC resources. The Enterprise search of the DLC collection a) will not let you order and b) will display everything as available all of the time (which is not true!).

3. Type in your search terms in the keyword search and click Search or press Enter. Multiple editions of the same title will be grouped together. Click on the grouping to see the individual titles and open their detailed view.

Example search results:

Narrowing Searches, Detailed View, Explore Tab

You can limit your results by changing your search terms or using the limiters on the left side. Click the checkbox beside a limiter and then either Include or Exclude. Include will only show your results where the limiter applies (ex. if you include the format Books, it will only show you Books) and Exclude will exclude limiters from your search (ex. if you exclude the format Books, it will show you all of the formats except Books).

Click on a title to open up the detailed view as a popup. Here, you can see ISBN, subject headings, language, series, publisher, etc. You can also see which schools have this item in their collection. The Status beside each will tell you where the item is located: when it is checked out, you will see the date it is due back.

Some titles have catalogue enrichments, such as a table of contents, tags, professional reviews, etc. provided by Syndetics Unbound, on an Explore tab beside the District Availability.


Canadian Authors

If you're trying to find all Canadian fiction books in your library you can do this easily through Enterprise.

Set your school and then change the search type to 'Subject' and the search term to 'Canadian fiction':

The search results will be the complete list of Canadian fiction in your library sorted by 'relevance score'. To make it easier to use for double checking, set your sort order to 'author':

With it sorted by author you may also want to use facets to reduce the results to just physical books in your library. Use the 'Limit Search Results' filters on the right to choose facets to include or exclude.

Genre in the Catalog

Note: As of November 2024 some genre is appearing as the ongoing high school cataloged genre project takes shape. This will be added to over the next year, Not all books at high schools will have a genre until the completion of this project.


You can search for a genre using the main search bar in Enterprise

Genre will appear in the catalog entries below the Call #:

This is now a facet you can use to limit a search. Expand the facet filter, choose the genre and then click include to only show titles belonging to that genre, or exclude to hide titles belonging to that genre.


Valid Genres:
  • Adventure
  • Classic
  • Comic
  • Fantasy
  • Ghost Stories
  • Graphic Novels
  • Historical
  • Horror
  • Humour
  • Manga
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller