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Planning 10 is an exciting course, designed to help you develop the skills needed to become a self-directed individual who sets goals, makes thoughtful decisions and takes responsibility for pursuing your goals. Unlike your other courses, which focus on academic development, this course focuses on your human and social development, career development and on the many ways in which your education will be relevant to your future. This course is about YOU. This year, we will be working through a guided online course which will be largely computer based.
Units of Study:
Unit One:Graduation Program – What is needed to graduate from High School; Course selection outlined for grades 11 and 12.
Unit Two:Career Attributes – Career suitability; Personality attributes related to careers; Career options and information
Unit Three:Job Seeking – Resumes, Cover letters, Application forms and Interview skills
Unit Four:Workplace Rights and Safety – Keeping you safe in the workplace; Rights of workers
Unit Five:Finances – Just the basics! Credit; Budgeting; Investing and Saving, etc.
Unit Six:Health – Sexual education; Substance abuse; Healthy decision making; Oat babies