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Planning 10 - Mr. Berra: Day 4

Post Secondary Planning

Post Secondary Planning Case Study: Jake Sampson

This is Jake. He is a grade 10 student athlete who is looking into his options for his future.


After completing his course selection for Grades 11 and 12 in Planning class, Jake was fairly confident that he would be going to College or University after high school. He knew he wanted to do something in sports, but wasn't sure that he would make it as a pro, so Jake consulted the Education Planner Website to collect information about potential programs that he might be interested in.


Jake decided that he would look into a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Recreation and Health Education Co-op Program) at the University of Victoria.


Before making any decisions about courses, Jake completed the Post-Secondary Background Information form.


Now that you are an expert, research a program that you might be interested in. Use the Education Planner Website to fill out a Background Information form for your plan. Please Use the Career Planning Information below to also help you out on this assignment.

Career Cruising

Career Cruising

One of the tools available to you at Claremont is a program called Career Cruising. This program is open to all students at Claremont and will help you with both your career choices and career information once you find out what career you might be interested in. You will be using this program throughout your years in high school, so it is important to get started and familiar with it now.

Go to: Career Cruising

Username: Claremont

Password: careers

Create your own portfolio and get started on the assessments. There are three of them and the information will help you with your career decisions. In grade 11 and 12, looking at some of the information on the site will be required.

It is important to know that anything you do on this site can be saved by clicking on the 'Save to Portfolio' button so that you will have access to the results whenever you log in again.

Another link that may be helpful is Holland's Code Occupation Database.

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