Hoonust'i Whuzadelh
I am happy you (2+) have come
Ts'uhoont'i Whuzadelh
We are happy you (2+) have come
Soo 'int'en
Good work, good job
'int'en hoonzoo
Beautiful work, good work, good job
Hodul'eh tube hoonzoo
Academic excellence, very good learning
Hodul'eh hoonzoo
Academic Achievement, good learning
I am well, fine
We are fine
'Aw soo'uzust'oh iloh
I am not well
'Aw soo'uhts'int'oh iloh
We are not doing well
Note: land acknowledgements are important and should be expressed from the heart with your personal connections, rather than as a rote statement delivered without thought.
Lheidli T’enneh hubeh keyoh whuts’odelhti. Nts’ezla hubeh yun ts’uwhut’i, ts’uzt’en ink’ez ts’unuwhulyeh.
We respectfully acknowledge the unceded, ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh, on whose land we live, work, and play.
'Anelhut'et nawhulh 'est'en hoonust'i
It was a pleasure working with both of you
Nawhulh 'est'en hoonust'i
It was a pleasure working with all of you (3+)
Nanyoost'en sih
I will see you again
'Awet natesdalh
I will be leaving
Do well, good luck