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Anti-Racism Kits: World Cultures

Explore the SD57 DLC's Anti-Racism Kits


The World Cultures kit series is designed to introduce students to how different things look across the world. From food to funerals, these kits have been designed to help students recognize themselves and their cultures as part of many that exist and that there are universal ideas that permeate all cultures. 

Part of anti-racism work is making sure students have accurate information in order to challenge stereotypes and help them understand from authentic voices what goes on in different cultures. That demystifying goes beyond multi-culturalism, to understanding lived experiences so that students can better understand each other.

Click the to learn more about each book.

World Foods: Grades 2-5

Food Literacy starts at home and understanding how much food and culture are intertwined. Explore cultures across the world and food that is relevant to them as part of celebrations. This is paired with the book The Antiracist Kitchen, a collection of stories and recipes designed to teach kids about food and culture.

Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5

Subjects: Applied Design, Skills and Technologies, Social Studies.

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13 books.

Grandparents Around the World

Grandparents are a big part of many of our lives and represent wisdom, cultural knowledge and traditions. Explore family's love for their grandparents around the world and what it means to look after one's elders. Part of the World Culture Series of kits.

Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5.

Subjects: Cross-Cultural Studies, Social Studies.

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13 books.

Death and Grieving Around the World

Life is magnificent and beautiful, but eventually it ends. Explore how different cultures deal with death, grief and funerals and how loved ones live on within us as memories. 

Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5.

Subjects: Cross-Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Physical & Health Education.

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8 books.

Music and Dance Around the World

Learn about how music, dance and culture intertwine with this kit. Explore cultures around the world and how music and dance is important. From violins to spoken beats, music will move your feet!

Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5.

Subjects: Cross-Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Fine Arts.

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9 books.

Spirituality and Culture Around the World

Spirituality and culture go hand in hand, representing the traditions that bring us closer together with those who came before us and the world around us. Different cultures have different ways of showing and appreciating life from meditation to special clothing. This kit looks at what things connect us.

Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5.

Subjects: Cross-Cultural Studies, Social Studies.

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9 books.