EBSCO How-To Guides
How-to instructions to navigate EBSCOHOST
How-to instructions to navigate MasterFILE Premier
How-to instructions to navigate Canadian Reference Centre
How-to instructions to navigate Literary Reference Center Plus
How-to instructions to navigate Consumer Health Complete
EBSCO's Consumer Health Complete Tutorial
Consumer Health Complete Overview
How-to instructions to navigate CultureGrams
EBSCO's Canadian Points of View Tutorial
English Language Learner Tutorial
The World Book Online Reference Center is a great place to begin your research. Don't forget to check out the links at the end of some of the articles. They will lead you to other relevant and interesting information.
Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.
CultureGrams helps researchers discover the world with concise cultural and statistical snapshots of every country recognized by the United Nations -- from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
Full-text of Prince George Newspapers from 1909-1971. Includes Fort George Tribune, Fort George Herald, Prince George Post, Prince George Herald, Prince George Star, Prince George Leader & Prince George Citizen.
CommonSenseMedia.org is a Free, non-profit organisation that believes in promoting digital safety and providing trustworthy information to transform wired kids into responsible digital citizens.
Any of the above links not working? Try using the orange button to access the e-Resources through the District Learning Commons Discovery Portal
The World Book Online Reference Center is a great place to begin your research. Don't forget to check out the links at the end of some of the articles. They will lead you to other relevant and interesting information.
Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.
CultureGrams helps researchers discover the world with concise cultural and statistical snapshots of every country recognized by the United Nations -- from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
Full-text of Prince George Newspapers from 1909-1971. Includes Fort George Tribune, Fort George Herald, Prince George Post, Prince George Herald, Prince George Star, Prince George Leader & Prince George Citizen.