This cross-curricular kit blends English language arts, music, and science to bring awareness towards African endangered animals. Featuring the Endangered & Misunderstood picture book series, students can investigate, and research Africa's lesser-known endangered animals while creating rhythm, sound, and musical expression. This kit supports the Big Ideas for English K - 7: Language and text can be a source of creativity joy, Arts K - 7: Dance, drama, music, and visual arts are each unique language for creating and communicating and Science K - 7. Also supports the core competency Social Awareness & Responsibility - social and physical environments.
Suitability: Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Cross Curricular with Language Arts, Science, Core Competency Social Awareness and Responsibility.
A collection of children's songs and teacher lessons sequentially organized to teach the basics of pitch and rhythm through singing and games for younger elementary students. Suitability: Grade K, 1, 2, 3
Correlates with the Musicplay Grade 1 program. The skills taught in the kit will not only enhance a music program, they will help your students to become better listeners. Suitability: Grade 1
Correlates with the Musicplay Grade 4 program. The skills taught in the kit will not only enhance a music program, they will help your students to become better listeners. Suitability: Grade 4
Learn about how music, dance and culture intertwine with this kit. Explore cultures around the world and how music and dance is important. From violins to spoken beats, music will move your feet!
Suitability: Grade 2, 3, 4, 5.
Subjects: Cross-Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Fine Arts.
9 books.
A collection of children's songs and teacher lessons sequentially organized to teach the basics of pitch and rhythm through singing and games for upper elementary students.
Suitability: Grade 4, 5, 6, 7
Correlates with the Musicplay Grade 2 program. The skills taught in the kit will not only enhance a music program, they will help your students to become better listeners. Suitability: Grade 2
A collection of children's songs and teacher lessons sequentially organized to teach the basics of pitch and rhythm through singing and games for upper elementary and middle school students.
Suitability: Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Correlates with the Musicplay Grade 3 program. The skills taught in the kit will not only enhance a music program, they will help your students to become better listeners. Suitability: Grade 3