Once you've created some note content, you can easily hand it out to students using the Distribute Page or Distribute New Section buttons.
- In OneNote go to the page or section you wish to distribute.
- In the menu bar click Class Notebook
- To distribute an individual page click Distrbute Page
- For more options press the to see a list of choices.
- Distribute Page will send to the Class Notebook of your whole class.
- Individual Distribution allows you to give a single student the notes. Good for someone who has come late to your class.
- Group Distribution will send to the Class Notebook of a subset of your class. Good for giving out group projects.
- Cross Notebook Distribution will send to the Class Notebooks you specify. Good is you have set up a split class with different notebook, but want to give content to everyone.
- Delete Page allows you to remove a page from students. Good if you mistakenly hand something out or want to correct a mistake.