Historians often look at the perspectives of different people to find out what they were thinking, how they were feeling, and why they thought recording the event in the form of a diary was important. Their entries in the form of journals or diaries provides a window into the past. In this WebQuest, you will be looking at the lives of different characters in the fur trade and how their thoughts and actions contributed to the development of history in Western Canada. Your task is to pretend that you are a futuristic explorer going back in time to observe people from the fur trade for people back in you time. You cannont bring these people back with you in the time machine, however, the details you collect about the time and the diaries from these people all you to have some evidence of what happened during this time(The evidence collected is a primary source. Unfortunately, for the purposes of this WebQuest, you cannot exhume or reanimate these people so, you are stuck doing research on the Internet.
When you are deep into the research, your task is to pick a character from the fur trade and actually become this character by writing a two paragaph diary. Look at your character's intentions of coming to the west and the people your character interacts with. Remember, you are supposed to write your diary from the first person perspective so, it is important to stay consistent with the perspective of your character throughout the piece.
If you are looking for information on the Internet be VERY, VERY careful of how you select your links. Using what you know about the fur trade, look for key elements in the piece you are looking at, and if those elements are missing, do not use the source. If you are unsure about the validity of a source, please ask the Teacher-Librarian or your teacher!