The Non-Fiction Reading Assessment (NFRA) was designed by SD73 teachers. The NFRA is intended for students in grades 4-9, and will be used by grade 8 students in SD57 as a formative (A) and summative (B) assessment. There are two assessments per grade. Each non-fiction text was written and edited by BC authors and/or local educators from SD73 and SD57.
The NFRA Student Response (written component), administered whole-class, is used by teachers to determine baseline information and then monitor ongoing development of students’ comprehension skills and strategies.
The NFRA Reading Record (oral component), administered one-on-one, provides additional information about accuracy and fluency. It is optional for secondary students.
While the NFRA is primarily a formative assessment, it may contribute to summative assessment determinations. The NFRA is meant to be used in conjunction with other tools such as teacher observation, reading assignments, BC Performance Standards, and possibly other assessments identified for use at the school level.
Please direct any inquiries to the SD57 Literacy Resource Teacher.
Sarah McNeil
Thank you to SD73 - Kamloops / Thompson for allowing us to use and change their assessments. This site and its contents are based on their work first and foremost.