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Earth Day - April 22nd: NFB / ONF

Resources for Earth Day


NFB has many wonderful films about the environment. Log in to your individual NFB CAMPUS account to see even more resources!

Looking for French resources? Each educational playlist is also available en français! Click on the English version of the playlist to find links to the ONF French versions in the playlist descriptions.

Playlist: World Earth Day

Playlist Indigenous Environmental Protection

Playlist: Climate Change Impact on Communities

Playlist: Our Right to Safe and Healthy Water

Playlist: Nature and Wildlife

Playlist: Environment and Sustainability Films (Primary)

Playlist Ancestral Knowledges

Playlist: Pollution and Waste Management

Playlist: Food and Sustainable Agriculture

Playlist: Gatherings Series

Playlist: Environment and Sustainability Films (Middle Grade)

Playlist: Climate Change Impact on the Arctic

Playlist: Films for Change

Playlist: Human Relationships with Nature and Animals

NFB / ONF Beginner Guide