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National Indigenous History Month - June: DLC Resources and Streaming Videos

Resources for acknowledging and celebrating National Indigenous History Month (June)

DLC Resources on Truth and Reconciliation

Can-Core: K-12 Indigenous Studies Catalogue June 2024

Raven's Quest Series | Can-Core

Raven’s Quest Series
Grades 1-5; 2018-2023; 57 episodes x 7 min each
Raven’s Quest showcases different Indigenous children and their unique perspectives, practices, and daily lives. From special water ceremonies to prized vegetables, war canoe races, street hockey, smudging, and more, the series offers something for everyone to enjoy and learn.

Canot Cocasse Série | Can-Core

Canot Cocasse Série
Grades PreK-2; 2016-2021; 52 episodes x 25 min each
Un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme, transporte les voyageurs du camp Manitou lors d’aventures extraordinaires, grâce auxquelles ils découvrent mille et une choses dans l’univers qui les entoure, ainsi qu’au fond d’eux-mêmes!

Red Earth Uncovered Series | Can-Core

Red Earth Uncovered Series
Grades 6-12; 2017-2020; 39 episodes x 22 min each
Take an adventure to places where world-renowned mysteries remain elusive. Myths such as Ogopogo and Sasquatch. Red Earth Uncovered seeks to learn the possibilities and truths about what could be. Tom Jackson and Shayla Stonechild lead the investigation of archaeological discoveries and ancient myths to uncover how Indigenous Peoples may have played a role in historical events and legends.

Going Native Series | Can-Core

Going Native Series
Grades 9-12; 2021; 13 episodes x 22 min each
Celebrated humorist and author Drew Hayden Taylor examines the stereotypes and traditions of Indigenous identity while discovering cool new ways Indigenous people are shaping their culture in the 21st century.

Related LibGuides

Dakelh Language Kit and YouTube Playlist

Playlist of Dakelh language videos from SD57 Indigenous Department.

NFB: Indigenous Cinema in the Classroom Playlists


First Peoples' Map of BC

Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Giant Floor Map

Aerial view of map spread out in SD57 Van Bien Training & Development Centre (photo by Rob Lewis)

View Kit

This kit can only be booked by calling or emailing the DLC: 250-645-4334 or 

Description by Canadian Geographic: This resource will assist you and your students in understanding the past, present and future of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. There is a wealth of information and diversity of stories and voices on this map; however, we recognize that no resource will ever be able to encompass all Indigenous voices and stories. The Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS) also recognizes that the stories told here are not ours to tell. It is for this reason that we have worked collaboratively with a number of Indigenous and ally educators and organizations from across Canada to create this resource. We highly recommend that you use this resource as a starting point and reach out to Indigenous communities, organizations and groups in your area to learn more and continue to work toward reconciliation.

Suitability: Grade K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Social Studies, Indigenous Studies.

Note: The giant floor map is 11m by 8m (36.09' by 26.25') so you will need to use the gym floor to spread it out.