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History 12 League of Nations Research Assignment



CC: Continuity and Change - How did the clause of territorial mandates impact nations?

League of Nations mandates were former colonies and territories of the German and Ottoman Empires administered on behalf of the League of Nations.   The Mandatory Powers or leading members of the League,  Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Belgium and Japan, each took responsibility for the “newly freed” territories.


Project: Examine the continuity and change of collective security groups like the League of Nations. Analyze the impacts of the League's mandates on different nations and the current status of each nation. Investigate how the League of Nations may have influenced the successes, failures, and potential conflicts of specific nations. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the League of Nations in maintaining global security.

To demonstrate your learning, create a poster display explaining the impact on ONE mandate. Address the changing SPERM of the nation/territory.   




  • S - social make up of the state/territory 
  • P - political changes or government styles
  • E - economic dependence
  • R - regional gains or losses (border and boundaries)
  • M - military conflicts

Think about and ask…

  • Who/which nation was responsible for “protecting” and “establishing” the mandate?
  • Who was the former protectorate or colonizer of the location?
  • How did the location change throughout the 20th century? (borders, wars, major shifts in ideologies)
  • What is the state of the nation/territory today?  - government style, borders

Be sure to include images/maps and information in your own words

  • Bibliography (referencing both notes and images/maps)


Choose a Mandate/Territory/Nation

Class A, mandates in Western Asia:








Class B, mandates in Africa:

British Togoland

French Togoland

British Cameroon

French Cameroon

Ruanda-Urundi (Rwanda)


Class C, mandates in the Pacific:

Japanese Pacific Mandate

Territory of New Guinea


Western Samoa