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Superhero / Supervillain Project

Just hang on while I tell you my plan

We've all read/watched the villain capture the hero and then stop to explain their diabolical plan giving the hero time to escape.

As silly as they can be, the monologue serves as a window into the villain. It's an example of telling over showing.

It lets the reader/watcher understand what motivates the character.

Here are some examples of motivators that a villain might have to monologue about:

  • Personal attention entitlement
    • They believe they deserve personal attention whether the other person wants to give it - for example love, praise, tutoring, someone to be a punching bag.
    • Example: Serial Killers, The Joker, Darth Vader
  • Social power entitlement
    • They believe they deserve to be more powerful than one or more other people.
    • Example: Draco Malfoy / Death Eaters / Voldemort, Emperor Palpatine
  • Material entitlement
    • They believe they deserve to have money, goods, or property at the expense of others
    • Example: Most James Bond villains - Max Zorin, Elliot Carver, Blofeld, etc.
  • Personal ideal realization entitlement
    • They believe they deserve to make their ideals into reality at any cost and without anyone's consent. They might have good ideas, but the wrong implementation.
    • Example: Thanos, The Joker