At the end of this you should be able to:
- Save properly
- Search for books
- Have a silent reading book
- Navigate the library website
Task 1.
Click on the "How to use the Hand-in/Hand-out folders" lib guide on the main page
-Once inside the guide, select "How to save to your H:\ drive" and create a document with the title:
yourname - test save
where "yourname" is replaced with your actual name.
Save it to your H:\ drive.
Task 2.
Using the "How to use the Hand-in/Hand-out folders" guide on the main library page copy your test save document into my Hand In folder into the correct folder for your teacher.
Task 3.
Complete the scavenger hunt sheet
This work is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license
PGSS - Library Learning Commons, Prince George, BC, Canada V2M 2S7 - We are located on the traditional, unceded territory, of the Lheidli T'enneh.