This is an open-inquiry.
That means that you will choose the order in which you visit the links and how you put the information together from them. There will be some inquiry questions to work on that will guide your thinking. However, you are going to need to do some independent thinking about what the information means, and why that might be important.
Inquiry Questions
1. Why do you think there are so many earthquakes on the west coast of Canada? What makes you think that? How would you be able to tell if you are right (what's your evidence)?
2. What role do you think plate tectonics and volcanoes have played in shaping BC? The rest of Canada? What makes you think that? How would you be able to tell if you are right (what's your evidence)?
3. Do you think we are going to have a large seismic event in BC in the near future? What makes you think that? How would you be able to tell if you are right (what's your evidence)?
Choice project
Choose at least one of these to work on that shows your understanding of plate tectonics.
1. Write a story about an earthquake and a volcanic eruption in BC or anywhere around the world. It could be one that has yet to happen, or a historical event that has happened. Remember to include details that show your understanding.
2. Draw a detailed, labeled picture of an earthquake and a volcanic eruption. Remember to include details that show your understanding.
3. Imagine you are writing a new entry for Wikipedia on earthquakes and volcanoes. Describe in scientific detail the mechanics of plate tectonics. Remember to include details that show your understanding.
"What's your evidence" means please cite your sources!
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