Learning Intention
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You should include information on:
- Early Life
- Any formal education
- Contribution to the field of mathematics
You can create:
As long as it has the above elements
Who they are - Fields of their contribution
Sir Isaac Newton - Calculus, Applications of Mathematics to Physical Motion
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Calculus, Modern Logic, Set Theory
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi - Algebra, Algorithms
John Von Neumann - Computer Architecture, Foundations of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis + a lot more (Guy was a polymath)
René Descartes - Analytic Geometry
Euclid - Geometry, Proofs
Pierre de Fermat - Analytic Geometry, Probability, Number Theory
Georg Cantor - Set Theory
Leohard Euler - Calculus, Topology, Graph Theory
Thomas Bayes - Probability, Statistics
Alan Turing - Computer Science
Pythagarus - Geometry, Number Systems
Archimedes - Geometry, Pi, Early versions of limits
John Napier - Logarithms
Johannes Kepler - Application of Mathematical Laws to Planetary Motion
Blaise Pascal - Algebra, Probability
Ava Lovelace - Computer Science
George Boole - Logic, Boolean Algebra
Sophie Germain - Number Theory, Fermat's Last Theorem
Bertrand Russell - Foundations of Mathematics, Non-Euclidian Geometry