Assignment Expectations and RubricOn your own or with a partner, your task is to research an Indigenous Led Movement. We will have a total of THREE days to complete this assignment. It is important to note that some of these movements have traumatic or triggering origins.
Each group will research and put together a poster about their chosen movement.
Your poster must include clear information telling:
WHAT – What movement have you chosen?
Moose Hide Campaign
Red Dress Project
Downie-Wenjack Foundation
Shannen’s Dream
Jordan’s Principle
WHERE – how far does the movement (city, provincial, federal, global) reach?
- when and where did it start?
WHO – Who started the movement?
Who benefits from it or who is it for?
WHY – Why was this movement started?
HOW – How does the campaign bring awareness to the cause?
Pictures & colour – your poster needs to include pictures and colour, it needs to be fun to look at.