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Computing - Hot Topics Webquest


Welcome to the internet, home to cat videos, celebrity selfies and the vast underbelly of humanity.

In the last 15 years, since the internet became mainstream and easily accessible to everyone, three major topics have emerged:<


Why should you have to pay for stuff that's available for free? Does piracy really hurt anyone other than big businesses?

Statement to argue: Piracy is a victimless crime


Who controls your data? What right does Facebook have to sell on your data? Should the government be allowed to spy on your data?

Did you know that BC has some of the strictest privacy laws in the world?

Statement to argue: Companies have a right to use the data I share with them

Search-Engine Bias

How much of the news that you see is controlled by Google or Facebook? Do they show you only what you want to see? Are you prevented from seeing the big picture?

Statement to argue: Search-engines help you access all data equally

Task - What

Learning Intention

To understand the arguments behind trending topics in the internet age.

Read, Understand, Decide, Synthesize

You will be creating a short piece arguing your position on one of the three topics. You can be for it or against it.

  • Make your position clear
  • Show you have read and understood the material
  • Present your information so that it is:
    1. Easily understood by someone who did not choose that topic
    2. Detailed
  • You may choose any way to present your information, but bonus for creativity
    • Short essay (2-3 paragraphs)
    • Powerpoint
    • Anything else you choose

Process - How

  1. Choose a topic
    • Piracy is a victimless crime
    • Companies have a right to use the data I share with them
    • Search-engines help you access all data equally
  2. Read over the evaluation criteria
  3. Read at least 3 of the linked articles or articles in the web portals thoroughly
  4. Evaluate your position
    • Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
    • Use the information in the articles to give your argument sufficient detail
    • Begin with a clear statement that shows which side of the argument you are on.
    • Have a beginning, middle and end to your writing.

District Teacher-Librarian
