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profile-icon Joseph Jeffery

Welcome to Drumbeat Decodable Book Collection. K-2 Short Vowels a,e,i,o, and u. Teach children short vowels in the context of cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words in the high-frequency and fun Indigenous Decodable Books. This set of 5 Decodable Books provides the systematic practice children need to become phonics-wise readers. These stories bring an Indigenous content that is much needed in any phonics program. Each book contains a word list, high-frequency words, story words, short vowel words, and two fun activities for extended learning.

All books written by Sandra Samatte, Ojibwe - Saulteaux - from Skownan First Nation Treaty 2 Territory. Design by Julian Grafenauer.

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profile-icon Joseph Jeffery

Explore shapes around the classroom or outside. What shapes will you find?

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Check out the companion mini kit

profile-icon Joseph Jeffery

This updated kit includes books to learn about colours around you and colour lenses and prisms to examine things in different colours. 

The books in this use sight words to help enhance early learning.

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