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Proposal for Canadian Confederation: Home

Big Question

How did the various colonies stand to benefit or lose from Canadian confederation?

In the 1860s, the possibility of the Confederation of the British North American colonies meant different things to different people.

  • For some, Confederation was British North America’s only chance for political and economic survival.
  • For others, such a union would give each of the regions an opportunity to maintain an individual identity, while at the same time, reap the economic and political benefits that a large nation brings.
  • For Great Britain, a union of colonies would lift a much needed burden off its shoulders.

Even so, there were many people in each of the colonies who opposed any federal union. Ultimately, compromise and sophisticated deal-making allowed some of the colonies to come together to form a new country called Canada.

Students will:

  • Social & Political Change - Assess the influence and impact of economic, social and political factors on the development of political institutions, policies & programs
  • Perspective  - Infer and explain different perspectives & judgements on the development of 
  • Canadian society by considering norms, values, worldviews and beliefs.
  • Communication  - Defend a position using evidence