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Science & Tech 11 CSI: Forensic Science: Marks and Impressions

ABC Science


ABC Forensic Science
The ABC Science part of the ABC website has some amazing information. 

Marks and Impressions



What is Impression Evidence?

Describes the types of impression evidence and provides examples of the different kinds.

How impression evidence works
Footprints, Tire Tread and Tool Marks. From

Firearms, Toolmarks and Other Impressions

PowerPoint Presentation

Latent Prints: Footwear and Tires
Just as in fingerprints, the minute details in each and every tire and article of footwear can be used to identify an unknown crime scene impression to a known article of footwear or a tire.

Footwear Forensics: New Techniques to Analzye Footwear Treads

A new computer algorithm can analyze the footwear marks left at a crime scene according to clusters of footwear types, makes and tread patterns even if the imprint recorded by crime scene investigators is distorted or only a partial print.

Casting footwear impressions

Learn the techniques for casting footwear impressions.