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Science & Tech 11 CSI: Forensic Science: Forensic Pathology

ABC Science


ABC Forensic Science
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Forensic Pathology




Forensic Science BLOG – Forensic Pathology

Excellent site as entry point into an explanation with illustrations.

Forensic Pathology

Pathology is the study of disease and its causes. Forensic pathology involves discovering the cause of death, especially in cases where it is sudden or the police suspect that it has not occurred by natural causes. A forensic pathologist is a medical doctor trained in pathology.

Forensic Pathology

The branch of medicine that helps in determining the cause of death. Details of roles and branches of this area of forensic science.

Forensic pathology
Forensic pathologists are health specialists who assist coroners, police and courts to resolve critical medical issues, including causes of death and how injuries might have occurred.

Forensic Pathology

Article from

Forensic evidence
Forensic pathology, biometric recognition Facial recognition, retinal iris scans, DNA fingerprinting, brain printing, ear matching, smart cards...what's next? [Article]

Forensic Pathology

Dr Noel Woodford from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.