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Banned/Challenged Books in the CHSS Library

Here are examples of some of the banned/challenged books in our library. To find more search our library catalogue.

Freedom to Read Week 2017


In Canada, the Book and Periodicals Council has created the Freedom to Read project. It is their goal to raise awareness of issues related to censorship in Canada. They keep track of Canadian challenges to written materials. In 2020,  Freedom to Read Week is Feb. 23 to Feb. 29.


Defending Your Freedom to Read

We often take for granted our right and freedom to read whatever we choose. However, each year this right is challenged by organizations, community groups or individuals who ask to have books and magazines removed from schools or library shelves.

The ALA (America Library Association) has made it one of their goals to promote the freedom to express one's opinion and and the freedom of others to read that opinion. Their Office for Intellectual Freedom compiles lists of the hundreds of books that are banned/challenged each year:

Top 10 Most Challenged Book Lists (by year)

Challenges are not limited to new publications. Often books that are considered some of the best of all-time, also create the most controversy. Checkout the following list:

Banned and Challenged Classics


 In honor of the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week, the ALA created a timeline outlining some of the most notable challenges of the last three decades:

Timeline: 30 Years of Liberating Literature



John Green Talks about the Banning of Looking For Alaska

Your Challenge

Your challenge is to read one of the banned/challenged books available in your school library and think critically about the reason why this book may create controversy. Ask yourself:

What about this book could be considered offensive or inappropriate?

Is it the language, the storyline or the ideas presented?

Should this book be removed from the school library or curriculum?


You will be asked to write a persuasive piece in which you will express your opinions about the book.